Thursday, October 4, 2012

IM Training - Week 1

It's coming right at me. The beginning of a 48 week journey. One that is bound to change my life, redefine my limits, and ultimately earn me the title of IRONMAN. As promised I will bring you every weeks upcoming workouts, as well as a summary of the previous week.
This week I've put in a few miles on the road as well as a visit to the pool and a couple lifting sessions. Unorganized random workouts just to get into the idea of training. Starting Monday this all changes. So here it is: week 1 of the prep period.

Monday -
R: 45 minutes - easy run
S: Distance work - Just see how things are feeling. Easy effort (2600 yds)
      WU - 200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull, 200 swim
      Set - 1500 long and strong, just feel things out
      CD - 200

Tuesday -
R: 45 minutes - easy run
B: 60 minutes - low effort

Wednesday -
S: Race work - Low yards and only workout so good effort (1700 yds)
    WU - 300
    Set - 3x400 (good effort on the first, negative split the next two)
    CD - 200

Thursday -
R: 90 minutes - easy long run

Friday -
S: Speed set (1400 yds)
    WU - 400
    Set - 8x100 (25 easy, 25 build, 25 easy, 25 hard)
    CD - 200
B: 45 minutes - Easy bike

Saturday - OFF!!!

Sunday -
B: 90 minutes - easy

Here it is! This should be interesting in the first couple of weeks as I am also rehearsing for the musical. Still I should be able to time manage and make everything work. Later!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Looking Forward

I'm not gonna lie. Ever since I finished the half iron I have been what I like to call "a lazy pile." I've spent more time thinking about training then actually training. But it's been constructive. I've mapped out my potential 2013 season, put together half of the IM training schedule, and done a lot of thinking about what needs to improve. And to be honest with myself, there is quite a bit.

SO. Here is the most likely schedule for next summer. It could very easily change.
-June 2nd - Buffalo Triathlon (sprint)
-June 16th - Hyvee Rochesterfest Triathlon (international)
-June 30th - Waconia Triathlon (sprint ish, the bike is a little long)
-June 13th - Timberman Triathlon (I haven't decided which course yet)
-August 4rd - Brewhouse Triathlon (international)
-September 8th - IRONMAN Wisconsin!!!

There it is. Hopefully I find myself in an employed position that will be flexible enough to allow all this racing. Fingers crossed!

Also. There are rumors of a "Team BOB" in the works. I approve.

Like I said, I've done a lot of thinking about what needs to change going into next season. And one of the first things I thought about was nutrition. I need to gather more information. Eat healthier. And figure out what works as far as "race-day nutrition," especially with an IM on the horizon. My body is going to do the work. I need to give it the right stuff.

Another thing I want to do this year is race more. Check. It seems almost a waste to go through all this training for 2-3 races a year. So, I'm shooting for 6. It should be fun. There may even be room for a road race (probably a half marathon) somewhere in there.

Post race recovery. I need a system that works! I know people who can race every week and be just fine for the next one. My schedule is biweekly so I hope to recover fast and train in between.

Here's a fun one. Bike handling skills... I am the picture perfect stereotype of a triathlete when it comes to the bike. I'm a hazard on two wheels. Basically I'm this tall skinny guy with terrible coordination and even worse balance. I admit it readily. Recovery weeks are going to involve some bike drills.... But here's the thing. I hurt myself and my bike when I do drills cuz I always go down! Drills will be on Phillip (my blue Windsor) not on James (my black Trek.)

And the big one. The reason I haven't had much as far as break out success. Commitment! I am always struggling to get in shape for a race at the last minute. Not because I'm lazy, I just commit to other stuff and training gets put on hold. NOT THIS TIME! The second the musical is finished in early November my only focus over the following 10 months will be IRONMAN. No more making random commitments, 100% triathlon. I have had some pretty great races on last minute training. Just think how good they will be if I'm ready.

Lastly I need to be in shape for the swim. I can kick butt in the water if I'm ready, but since I tend to put training off, preparing for the swim doesn't really happen. And it's still my best leg. I will be in the best swimming shape of my life come next summer. That is a promise.

There you have it folks. I will be posting every week about the upcoming workouts as well as a summary of the previous weeks. Who knows if anyone reads this blog, but either way it will keep me on track.

Finally, a little shout out to my friends and family. I have received, and will most likely continue to receive tons of support for this task that I've chosen to take on. I make a bunch of sacrifices for this sport, and in turn the people close to me do as well. They come to my races, drive me around, cheer me on, support me even when I have a bad race, and even race and train alongside me. It goes miles. IRONMAN will take a lot out of me in the following months and will require myself, my parents, my siblings, my girlfriend, and my other friends to make a lot of sacrifices. You know who you are. Thank you SOOO much for your support. In means more to me then you will ever know. It gets me out of bed and onto the road or into the pool every day to train.

Let's do this.