So. I've talked about it. I've dreamed about it. I've planned for it. Now I'm signed up for it! That's right, I am racing IRONMAN next summer and I couldn't be more excited or more nervous about a single thing in my life.
I have chosen to race IM Wisconsin primarily because of location and timing. Living and training in this area of the country makes late summer/early fall the perfect time for racing a distance like this. The race will take place on September 8th 2013. Believe me when I say that date is constantly on my mind. But here's the big question: what is my game plan?!?!
I wish I knew more people who could give me a better idea of how to train for such a distance, but I don't. I have, however, read quite a bit about training for an all day race and I feel confident in my ability to throw something together. Here's my general plan:
44 weeks out: 20 week program focused on building volume and distance.
Weeks 1-3: Prep
Weeks 4-6: Base 1
Week 7: Recovery
Weeks 8-10: Base 2
Week 11: Recovery
Weeks 12-14: Base 3
Week 15: Recovery
Weeks 16-17: Build 1
Week 18: Recovery
Weeks 19-20: Build 2
24 weeks out: 4 week recovery period focused on low volume/low intensity with some occasional low volume/high intensity workouts.
20 weeks out: 20 week program incorporating the built up higher volume along with high intensity workouts. Will contain around 4-5 shorter distance races (sprint and olympic distance) from late May through early August. My overall structure is not planned yet as I am waiting until I figure out my race schedule.
I will probably start the whole thing about 48 weeks out to give me a buffer for the various interruptions such as my week deer hunting in Alabama and the spring break choir tour, but there you have it! At the end of October I will start my prep weeks and there won't be any turning back!
That's it for now. I hope to gain a few "fans" for this race as I can use all the support I can get. So if you're interested in heading to Wisconsin next September with me and my family, just let me know! You'll love the triathlon experience!
I'll be your fan(: